Pictured Rocks National Seashore / McClain State Park / Michigan Waterfalls

10/04/08 - 10/11/08

I spent a week after the photography workshop working my way back to Chicago.

For those of you who were in the workshop with me, the first seven photos were taken the afternoon and evening of the day the workshop ended. It's a shame you had to leave, the sunset was just amazing. It's too bad that we didn't get a sunset like this during the workshop. These photos were taken at Miners Beach in the Pictured Rocks National Seashore.

The next morning, Doug and I tried to catch a sunrise at a local lake. Unfortunately, as during the workshop, it was rainy and foggy. So we didn't get the nice sunrise light. The next three photos are from that morning. I spent the rest of that day and the next day at Pictured Rocks National Seahore. The next four photos are from there. I then headed for Chicago. The remaining six photos are from McClain State Park and several waterfalls that I stopped at along the way.

Sunset on McClain State Park Beach
Steve Winker