Starved Rock State Park / Shabbona State Park

05/18/09 - 05/31/09

Starved Rock State Park contains 18 canyons that were created by glacial meltwater and stream erosion. Seasonal waterfalls are found at the heads of all the canyons. Luckily, there had been quite a bit of rain prior to my arrival. So many of the waterfalls had some nice water in them. My campsite was right on the edge of the forest. I had lots of songbirds hanging in the area. I was able to photograph some of them. But the photos aren't all the best since they all were hanging out in thick underbrush. But I still included them here to document the fact that I saw them.

Shabbona Lake was created in the 1970s. It has some nice fishing opportunities as well as some hiking trails. So I mainly fished and hiked and didn't take too many photos. But there were tons of songbirds hanging around my campsite. Unfortunately, they like to do their singing a little earlier in the morning than I do. I was able to photograph a few of them.

The first 17 photos are from Starved Rock and the last two photos are from Shabbona.

St. Louis Canyon Waterfall
Steve Winker