Wabaskang Lake - Other Waterfowl

06/02/22 - 09/12/22

I spent over three months at Sleepy Dog Cabins on Wabaskang Lake. It was an interesting time. When I arrived, I had to take a detour on a gravel road due to the main highway being flooded. When I got to camp, I found the permanent deck under water and one of the cabins was completely surrounded by water. By the time I left, the water had finally receded to more normal levels.

The high water had an impact on the wildlife. I didn't see the number of ducks and other waterfowl that I normally see. I only saw one loon couple that had young ones. Normally, I find at least four or five.

The weather was also a little more extreme than normal as well, especially the first couple of months. It was one of the most rainiest and windiest summers I've experienced here.

Despite all this, I still managed to take thousands of photos. I've decided to break them up into seven different galleries. The galleries will have the following themes: Ducks, Other Waterfowl, Other Birds, Other Wildlife, Insects and Flowers, Sunsets, and Landscape and Sky. This gallery contains other birds including Bald Eagles, Barn Swallows, Kingfisher, Cedar Waxwing, Woodpeckers, and others.

Steve Winker